Sunnyvale Approves 550,000 SQFT CityLine Sunnyvale Mixed-Use Development

SUNNYVALE, CA – March 30, 2021 – Last night, the Sunnyvale Planning Commission approved plans for CityLine Sunnyvale to develop two office buildings with ground-level retail space on the former Macy’s parcel in downtown Sunnyvale. Located between Taaffe and Murphy Avenues, the buildings will be separated by a public pedestrian plaza and will each offer approximately 250,000 square feet of office space, 25,000 square feet of ground-level retail slated for restaurant and entertainment uses opening to the plaza, and 13,000 square feet of outdoor space that includes terraces and step backs that articulate the massing of the structures. An underground parking structure will offer 786 spaces, six percent of which will be wired or prewired for electric vehicles. Read the full article here.